Sunday, October 19, 2008

Treasures in darkness

I have spent four days without electricity and my generators did not have fuel either so I have been in perpetual darkness since Tuesday. I know it could have been worse but man, somebody needs to do something about this situation. You know if I was living in a remote area, perhaps I would have been able to understand why the power supply is epipleptic, but I don't. I happen to live in one of Nigeria's richest states (Rivers State) but also most troubled. A lot of people particularly the indigenes of the state arent happy with the status quo. Unemployment rate is high, the roads though being worked on now, are still in poor shape, the cost of living is high and so many other problems. The result; militancy.

A lot of people have left this state for Lagos and Abuja and many others are still contemplating on whether they should move or not. Yours truly has given it serious consideration and I may leave but not before it is time for me to do so.

I'm a firm believer in timing. When I look back, I realise that if I had done the right things at the right time with the right people in the right place, I would have been a much greater achiever than I am today. I have squandered opportunities and its only by God's grace that I havent suffered severely for it.

Bottom line is walk with God; dont walk behind Him and dont walk ahead of Him, just move with Him. Its tough, sometimes it feel as if He isnt even there but He is all the time. Talk to Him, let Him how you feel, and He will respond, either through a friend, a sermon, a scripture or any other way.

I have faced a lot of challenges living and working in Nigeria but Im glad I have because I know that God loves me and loves you too much to leave us where we are. God takes us through wildernesses to prune us, to mould us and to tranform us into the kind of people He wants us to be. I know that one day I will be glad He has taken me through this process. In the meantime; I just need some staying power.....:)

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