Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I met somebody yesterday, now before you start jumping to conclusions, I would like to inform you that I'm a "counselor" so I meet people all the time and they always end up opening up to me, probably because they believe I can be trusted...wink, wink.

Well, this guy, who is in his early 30s, is dating a lady who is in her early 20's, and between the both of them, they have an age difference of 11 years. Well, he told me that the lady has a major problem; she is a virgin. I burst into laughter because I found it so funny. He told me that he is teaching her lots of things and is dreading the time when we he will have to teach her how to make love.

He told me that he couldn't believe that somebody as pretty as her would still be a virgin; he said it with such disgust that I wondered what crime the poor girl had committed.

Well to cut the long story short; I simply told him to be proud of her instead and encouraged him to wait until they get married before he starts having sex with her.

Well, I was pleased to hear that he hadn't touched her and wasn't planning to until marriage. I don't know if he will keep that promise but I was relieved to hear he was willing to do it.

My conversation with him got me thinking about our values. What do we stand for? Why is purity, honesty and integrity frowned upon while maliciousness, greed and corruption glamorized especially in Africa?

Look at the people we vote into power; half of us vote for thugs and when they start misbehaving we point our fingers at them when we were actually responsible for putting them in power instead. Its simply ridiculous1 No wonder they say the world is about to end? How else would you explain this?

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