Sunday, December 28, 2008

I'm back!!

It's been a long time since I blogged, in fact I didn't think I would ever blog again. After my last post, I felt the need to "retire" from this; well I must admit, I started getting bored then secondly, I was emotionally, physically and spiritually drained, I needed to retreat and put a lot of things into perspective. So what happened while I was away?

First I celebrated my birthday on November 20th, there was no fun fare as is usually the case, all I did was share cake and drinks at work, and that was it. As I grow older, I find it difficult to fuss about some of these things, especially when I have to pick the bills.

Secondly, I got very good recommendations at work, got a raise and promotion to go with it. Am I really happy? I'm not sure...I have dreams to fulfill, been living most of my life helping other people achieve their own dreams. Of course I have gained from it all but I think its time for me to start focusing on my purpose irrespective of the cost. So will I be moving on? Perhaps, just watch this space.

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