Sunday, September 28, 2008


Wonders never cease and I'm beginning to understand when they say, "God has a good sense of humor". Living and working in Nigeria for the past three years has enabled me understand the value of relationships; that is why I'm pretty active on Facebook.
A few days ago, a lady called Lannie requested my friendship on this social networking site, I accepted but when I went through her profile I noticed that we didn't have any mutual friends and so I wondered why she actually requested my friendship in the first place.

Well at a closer look, I almost developed goose pimples; we were in the same class back in 1979/1980 in the Parents Cooperative School in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Now, I spent the first twelve years of my life in this country; I was born and bred there till I was 12. I went to three international schools which I must say have contributed immensely to who I am today. I studied with people from all over the world and so at an early age, I developed the ability to interact effectively in a multi-cultural environment which is a requirement for anybody wishing to work in international organizations.

When I returned to Uganda in 1986, I lost touch with most of my friends and so over the years I had basically made minimal effort in reconnecting. You know how it is, people keep hopping from one country to another and you must agree that we tend to forget each other as the years go by.

But Lannie has certainly helped walk down that lane and now, I'm going to renew my efforts in trying to reunite with some of them. I'm extremely grateful to her; she has also posted a page off the yearbook where I featured. Its hardly a pleasant picture.....looooooooool but I can't run away from who I was...lool.


Unknown said...

Oh Florence thats a nice piece of writing. I like your style and flow of ideas. No wonder friends that lost you all those years still look out for you.
Keep it up Flo.

Florence Kayemba said...

Looooool, thanks John but I dont really think they remmeber who I was then...looooool, we were all too young but it is great that we are reuniting. Its exciting